Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Wonderful Legacy

Twenty years ago today, my Dad died.

I still miss him very much, and grieve his passing on this day every year.

I was talking to a family friend, who knew my Dad since their childhood, and she said something that really made me think. I was telling her that this past Christmas was the first Christmas that I looked forward to since my Dad died. She reminded me, although Dad wouldn't have wanted it, I can't help the grief.

I want to find a way to commemorate the day, to honour his memory.

And then I realized, that he has left us a wonderful legacy, not just the childhood memories of all the fun we had as children, or all the times the whole family was laughing together. His wonderful way of being a Dad has been passed on to my brother Peter,and I see it every time the entire family is together. I see all the fun we had as kids being passed on to Peter's daughters, and I relive my happy memories through their eyes. Every time Peter and my brother (his twin) Paul play with the girls, I remember all the silly fun and laughter we all shared.

My Dad isn't really gone, he lives on through us.

Now I can finally let go.


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