Friday, February 26, 2010

I was wrong, and I am SO glad !!!

Yup, I was so wrong, I voted against the Olympics, wanted nothing to do with them.

I was offered an opportunity to attend a Victory Ceremony by a friend. Going downtown on a rainy day, the first rainy day, and absorbing the positive energy and joy that was out there completely changed my outlook.

I was convinced the 2010 Olympics were going to be a terrible disorganized mess. I am so very glad I was wrong.

I thought Canadians were apathetic. Wow, was I ever wrong on that one! We are a very patriotic bunch, although before the Olympics we were very reserved about it.

My city is clean, everyone is friendly, and smiling, such a wonderful feeling!

I walked into Pacific Centre mall, and there were people of all nationalities sitting together and watching a hockey game. People from all over, pulled together in a positive way.

I am so happy to see such joy.

And one of the moments I will remember all my life, is seeing our Canadian Ashleigh McIvor receive her gold medal for Ladies Ski Cross.

Here are some photos of my day:

Vancouver Art Gallery

Robson Square Skating Rink

A Juggler entertaining the crowd

Georgia & Howe Street ( I wonder how many tens of thousands of photos were taken of this!)

Lanterns made by school children - there were thousands of these!

Hudson's Bay Company

Countdown to the Medal Ceremony

Men's Speed Skating Champions - Korea, Russia, Netherlands

Laser lights for the Billy Talent concert after the ceremonies

Billy Talent


  1. I am so happy you were wrong!!!

  2. Hey Sue! We were at the same Victory Ceremony! I couldn't get enough of the Olympic events and am so proud to be Canadian! What an amazing time in our city! What great photos!


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