Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Bird in the Hand

A wild bird in the hand is a very sad thing. It means the bird is sick or injured.

This little male American Goldfinch is just starting to get his spring colours.

I heard him fluttering around in the garden, and caught him.

I grew up with pet budgies, and had a cockatiel.

I am used to handling and examining birds, and know how to hold them properly to prevent injury to them.

I looked him over, his wings didn't seem broken, he may have flown into a window and been stunned.

I tried to put him into a hanging basket a little higher up, so that a cat couldn't get him, but he wouldn't have it.

I set him down on the ground, near a fence, out of sight.

This morning he was gone - I hope he recovered and flew away.


  1. OH...I hope he flew away and is safe. I love our little birdies in our neighborhood. I'm like the birdie starbucks around here...suet and birdseed with cherries and nuts in it...they come for their daily feed fix every day!

  2. Our cat brought in a bird that same day! Fortunately I was able to get her to drop it and we gently placed her in a little box out on the patio and within a few hours she'd flown away. I couldn't believe it! Sounds like it was a lucky day for our feathered friends. Great photo of you holding the little fella. I didn't think to take a picture.

  3. Our cat brought in a bird that same day! Fortunately I was able to get her to drop it and we gently placed her in a little box out on the patio and within a few hours she'd flown away. I couldn't believe it! Sounds like it was a lucky day for our feathered friends. Great photo of you holding the little fella. I didn't think to take a picture.


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